Gen Z is More Likely to Use AI Tools and More Optimistic on the Impact of AI
Gen Z uses AI tools more frequently and for more diverse tasks than older generations and it tends to have more favorable opinions on the impact AI has had so far and its potential going forward.
On the whole, has AI been mostly good or mostly bad for the world so far?
Asked whether, on the whole, AI has been mostly good or mostly bad for the world so far, 52% of Gen Z said mostly good, while just 18% said mostly bad. Another 30% were unsure or ambivalent. For comparison, just 35% of baby boomers said that AI had been mostly good, with 16% saying it had been mostly bad.
Have you ever used any of the following generative AI-powered platforms? Select all that apply.
A full 80% of Gen Z said that they had used a top generative AI platform at least once, while about half that number said they use generative AI-powered platforms at least weekly. AI usage rates drop considerably for older generations with just 43% of baby boomers saying they had ever used one of the top generative AI platforms.
How will you use AI-powered tools for your holiday shopping this year? Select all that apply. (Gen Z respondents)
Looking to the upcoming holiday shopping season, 67% of Gen Z expects to use AI-powered tools, more than any other generation. The most common AI use cases in holiday shopping were to summarize product reviews or other information and to navigate online stores and make purchases.
Have you ever used technology such as filters that allows you to see digitally how a beauty product would look on you before purchasing? (Share who responded yes)
While using AI to visualize a product was not a top use case for Gen Z holiday shoppers, filter technology has proven popular for beauty shoppers hoping to see how a beauty product would look on them before purchasing. Among members of Gen Z who buy beauty products 56% have done just that.
Which of the following best describes your opinion of Google's integration of AI-generated overviews/summaries into its search results?
Gen Z has also been accepting of AI in search, with 41% saying Google’s AI overviews have made their search results better and just 16% saying they have made their results worse. For comparison, just 19% of baby boomers say that Google’s AI overviews have been an improvement, while the largest share of boomers say they haven’t noticed AI overviews yet.
At the same time, though, 43% of Gen Z say that they are using traditional search engines like Google and Bing less because of the rise of AI-powered platforms like ChatGPT and Perplexity. That’s roughly twice the rate for baby boomers.