About Half of Shoppers Expect To Do at Least Half of Their Holiday Shopping Before Thanksgiving
Although Thanksgiving falls five days later in 2024 than it did in 2023, most consumers won’t be waiting around to begin their holiday shopping. Among all respondents, 60% said they plan to start shopping for holiday gifts before Thanksgiving, with a little over half of that group saying they will start shopping in October or earlier.
When do you plan to start shopping for holiday gifts this year?
Over the last couple of years Amazon has made a big play for those early holiday shoppers by running a version of Prime Day in early October under different names. Consumers appear ready to not only start shopping well before Thanksgiving, but also complete a sizable portion of their total holiday purchases.
How much of your holiday shopping do you expect to do before Thanksgiving?
Across all holiday shoppers, 48% expect to do half or more of their holiday shopping before Thanksgiving this year. That rate jumps to 62% among those who plan to start their shopping before Thanksgiving.
While only about a third of shoppers will wait until the Cyber Five to start their holiday shopping, the 5-day period from Thanksgiving through Cyber Monday will still pack in a lot of sales. Another 48% of respondents expect to complete half or more of their holiday shopping just over the Cyber Five.

How much of your holiday shopping do you expect to do over the period from Thanksgiving through the following Monday (Cyber Monday)?
"Among Gen Z, 59% expect to do half or more of their holiday shopping over the Cyber Five. For baby boomers that rate drops to 39%.“
Younger generations are more inclined to wait for the Cyber Five and the deals that come along with it. Among Gen Z, 59% expect to do half or more of their holiday shopping over the Cyber Five. For baby boomers that rate drops to 39%.