Mobile Devices Hold Broad Appeal for Gaming, while PCs and Consoles See a Strong Showing Among Younger and More Dedicated Gamers
Which device types have you played video games on in the past month? Select all that apply.
Nearly 80% of gamers said they had played games on a mobile phone or tablet in the past month. This result was remarkably consistent across generations with just a five-point difference between Gen Z at 80% and baby boomers at 75%.
What is the primary device you use to play video games?
The results were very different, however, when gamers were asked which device they primarily use to play games. Just 29% of Gen Z picked mobile as their primary gaming device, compared to 57% of baby boomers.
By less than a point over mobile, PCs were the top choice for Gen Z with the Nintendo Switch also making a relatively strong showing among the youngest adults. PCs were the second most picked primary gaming devices among boomers, with the big consoles seeing just single digit results among this group.
What is the primary device you use to play video games?
Among gamers that spend 10 or more hours per week playing, PCs and dedicated gaming consoles like the PlayStation, Xbox, and Switch were a more popular primary device than for casual gamers. Those that spent the least time gaming, less than an hour per week, heavily favored mobile, with 58% saying it was their primary gaming device.